发布: 2012-12-14 15:49:14 作者: 未知 来源: 马汀令可

* 通过改进的产品定义来缩短产品开发成本
* 通过准时交付建立客户的信心
* 通过有效的产品交付来增加产品的销售
Raina Cheng
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
Room 1108, Building A, CF Center, No.300 Zhongshandong Road, Baixia District, Nanjing,
Jiangsu 210002, China
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933
E: raina.cheng@ulinking.com
Product Management in Practice
Shanghai, China
February 25-27, 2013
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Product Management in Practice on 25-27 February 2013 in Shanghai.
Market Simulator
Throughout this course, participants will have an opportunity to use a market simulator to launch a new product, each group will setup its own strategy, pricing, promotion and sales effort to get the best results. The result of team work and effect of using various marketing mechanisms will enforce the learning for this training.
Practical Product Management concepts:
The pressure to deliver the right product at the right price in the right timeframe has never been greater. Companies that thrive are the ones that define, produce and promote their products more efficiently and more effectively; in short, companies with exceptional product management.
Designed specifically for product managers working in technology, Apollo delivers world-class product management training. We offer real-world solutions to critical issues that shape your business. Developed and delivered by experienced product management professionals, Apollo product management training mixes cases studies with practical examples to teach the skills, tools and processes required to be an outstanding product manager.
If you are new to product management or your product management team needs help focusing on strategic activities, Practical Product Management fully explores the role of technology product management with tools and processes designed to bring products to market more efficiently and effectively. Every concept in the seminar is designed to be actionable as soon as you return to the office.
What the Seminar will Help You Achieve:
* Reduce product development costs through improved Product Definition
Getting product definition right first time is a huge business benefit. Not only does it improve product take-up, but it dramatically improves the efficiency of your product development team. By defining a structured approach to market analysis and requirements specification, this training helps you get it right first time.
* Build customer confidence through on-time delivery
Late product delivery causes customer dissatisfaction and can also mean missing market opportunities. This product management training uses tried and tested processes and methodologies to ensure an on-time delivery.
* Increase product sales through effective product delivery
A product is much more than a piece of hardware or software. There are many non-technical deliverables that go to make a successful product release. This product management training defines the complete product delivery process and works through the issues facing a product manager to ensure an effective product launch.
Raina Cheng
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
Room 1108, Building A, CF Center, No.300 Zhongshandong Road, Baixia District, Nanjing,
Jiangsu 210002, China
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933
E: raina.cheng@ulinking.com
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