发布: 2011-12-29 17:42:35 作者: 佚名 来源: 马汀令可

TPM 最佳实践
1、参加全部内容培训,基本目标是学员成为“企业内部的TPM 督导师”:
系统学习TPM 的主要内容和推广的实务方法,掌握TPM 活动的思想精髓;
详细掌握如何成功导入TPM 的具体方法,如具体步骤、方法和关键点和可能的问题点, 有能力以提高OEE 为目标,制订TPM 的计划,策划TPM 的程序和项目计划书,并能组织TPM 项目,以促进TPM活动顺利开展。
* 以学员为中心,注重学员的参与;
* 实务案例分析与精心设计的游戏相结合,倡导启发式学习;
* 培训中听得懂、培训后记得住,这样才能学得会---- 擅长把枯燥复杂演绎得生动简单。
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: vickey.wang@ulinking.com
TPM Best Practices
25th&26th October 2012
Shanghai, China
MARTIN LINKING is convening the TPM best practices on 25th&26th October 2012 in Shanghai.
Who Should Attend?
1. Plant manager of manufacturing enterprises, production deputy director, production/manufacturing manager, equipment department manager, main member of TPM activities group;
2. Supervisors of manufacturing department, equipment maintenance and repairing engineer, supervisor and engineer of production department, main member of on-site improvement activities group;
3. Related supervisor and engineer of development department, quality department, and equipment procurement department, person who interested in TPM activities and enterprise's whole production operation efficiency promotion.
What the Workshop Will Help You Achieve:
1. Participate in all the training, the goal is to train the delegates to become "enterprise’s internal TPM coacher":
Systematically learn main content and practical promotion method of TPM, master essence of TPM activities;
Master specific methods to successfully introduce TPM, such as specific steps, methods, key points and possible problems, have the ability to improve OEE as target, develop TPM plan, plan TPM program and project proposal, can organize TPM project to promote TPM activities smoothly.
2. Selectively learn further part content according to the enterprise actual needs:
To establish enterprise’s data collection and analysis, strengthen the foundation management as the main purpose;
Aims at Autonomous Maintenance, master purpose, methods and practical skills of Autonomous Maintenance activities, and how to deal with the existing problems;
Aims at Professional Maintenance, understanding the whole maintenance system, establishing the equipment management indicator, master zero fault method, and how to deal with the existing problems;
Other special needs of enterprise.
Training Features:
* Learner-centred, pay attention to the participation of students;
* Combine practical case studies and well-designed games, advocate discovery learning;
* Good at interpretation of the complex and boring content simple and vivid.
This is a two days training, which is an equipment based, using various management tools and improvement skills to launch a series of improvement activities, is an effective combination of management and technology, through interdepartmental cooperation to promote operational efficiency. Its purpose is to help enterprises to tap potential, eliminate the waste and reduce costs and then strengthen enterprise’s foundation management, improve operation and enhance competitiveness.
Course Format:
Martin Linking trainings are developed based on in-depth experience, best practices and real companies’ case studies.
The trainer will use interactive case studies and group discussions to enable participants to acquire practical knowledge and capabilities for implementation.
For more information please contact:
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 85327678
F: +86 28 85326768
Email: vickey.wang@ulinking.com