发布: 2013-04-26 13:39:55 作者: 未知 来源: 马汀令可

Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: vickey.wang@ulinking.com
Effective Sales Strategies
3th & 4th January 2011
Shanghai, China
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Effective Sales Strategies on 3rd & 4th January 2011 in Shanghai.
It's a two-day workshop, designed to assist sales staff develop key skills and practical approaches to sell strategically.
Course Description:
The market is constantly changing and selling conditions have become tougher. Old selling methods are no longer good enough and new approaches are necessary to maintain sales targets.
To differentiate themselves from their competitors, salespeople have to become the 'trusted advisor' for their customer. They need to put themselves in their customer’s shoes, understand their problems and thinking, speak their language and work alongside them as a problem solver, strategy developer and solution provider.
Furthermore, they need to approach selling as a multi-level process. The customer has to sell the deal into their organisation and the salesperson needs to help them with this. By identifying all the key players in the decision-making process and, for each, identifying both the business value and the personal value, the salesperson is going to maximise their chances of building a lasting relationship.
What the Seminar Will Help You Achieve:
• Generate extra value for their customer by thoroughly understanding their business and personal needs
• Using questioning and listening techniques to establish real needs
• Become a trusted advisor to the customer involving them in their decision-making processes
• Identify all the key people in the decision-making process and identify key needs and challenges of each
• Build a lasting mutually beneficial relationship with the customer
• Translate features and benefits of their product into financial terms for the customer’s specific situation
• Look for maximising a given sales opportunity through cross-selling, up-selling, future sales and referrals
• Handle objections smoothly and set the deal up so that it closes itself
For more information please contact:
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited.
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: vickey.wang@ulinking.com