北方大陆家和联盟全球执行董事刘家齐博士赴印尼考察 启动印度尼西亚市场
发布: 2018-11-19 10:30:46 作者: 佚名 来源: 北方大陆

The Chief Executive Director of Norland Harmony Family union system Dr. Liu Jiaqi surveys and ignites the Indonesia market

Warmly welcome at the airport

Local Police provided the
full protection to Norland Team
北方大陆双皇冠领导人、家和联盟全球执行董事刘家齐博士于11月14日—16日为期三天前往东南亚印度尼西亚市场实地考察,受到北方大陆家和联盟海外运营总裁Watas总——海归医学博士、曾为行业知名职业经理人、亚太区教育负责人以及印度尼西亚市场领导人 Dr.jabaribrahim,Sumiariyanto,Novual,Erwinpurwadarma,Bambangsudiro,Parotehh.istrun,Heri&gilda,Syapri tadjudin,Danar slametn的亲自接见。海外领导人表示,家和联盟在全球布局的土壤已经成熟尤其是在印度尼西亚进行详细的市场业务考察,非常欢迎家和联盟- 来自中国的跨国公司在当地落地发展。同时他也表示印度尼西亚有广阔的市场空间。首先,中印是友好邻邦,两国关系现在处于历史上最好时期。其次,印度尼西亚地理位置优越,地缘影响力很大,而且有2.4亿多人口。第三,直销非常适合女性,可帮助解决家庭主妇的经济独立和家庭地位问题,未来的发展潜力巨大。
The Norland double crown top leader cum the Chief Executive Officer of Harmony Family union Dr. Liu Jiaqi has received a warmly welcome from the overseas leaders during November 14th- 16th. The top overseas leaders demonstrated that it’s the right moment for the Harmony Family union system to step forward into the Indonesia market after fully analyzed the local market. First of all, the Indonesia and China has built a friendly cooperation in the past a few years. Now it’s the ideal moment for Norland to move in. Secondly, Indonesia has a vantage point on its excellent location and huge population (more than 200 million), which are suitable for the sustainable development of direct selling market. Thirdly, MLM is the most potential business for the women to become financial freedom and independent.

Comprehensive Communication

△Jabar Ibraham博士向刘家齐博士赠送其本人自传
Dr. Jabar Ibraham presented his autobiography to Dr. Liu Jiaqi

△视察Jabar Ibraham博士的直销公司
Dr. Liu Jiaqi paid a visit to Dr.
Jabar Ibraham’s direct selling company
that has officially got the MLM license
家和联盟全球执行董事刘家齐博士一行14号当晚抵达印度尼西亚,随后,在印尼雅加达香格里拉酒店套房中第一时间与印尼各直销公司核心团队领导人展开深入沟通。Jabar Ibraham博士(拥有一家印尼当地的直销公司)与刘家齐博士就与北方大陆合作事宜展开积极沟通并取得良好进展,其本人深深被家和联盟的国际化视野和家和联盟的文化所感染,Jabar Ibraham博士表示愿意携全体员工加盟家和联盟。
Once Dr. Liu Jiaqi- the CEO of Family Harmony union system reached the Jakarta Shangri-La hotel, he has started to communicate with the top leaders from the different MLM companies at the very first time. Dr. Jabar Ibraham who owns a local MLM company was keen to join the Norland after hearing the sharing from Dr. Liu Jiaqi. He deeply influenced by the vision from the Norland and the harmonious system culture from Family Harmony union support system. He made his determination to join the Norland with the whole team.

The Top leader from American based company
Mr. Nouval (left 3)
discussed the cooperation planning with
Dr. Liu Jiaqi

The American MLM Company founder Mr.& Mrs Heri (left 1 and 2)
and the marketing director of another American company (right 2)
decide to lead the whole team to work with Norland.

The Top leader from American MLM company Mr.
Oteh planed to join the Norland with his team

Indonesia famous MLM company founder Mr. Syapri and team has made the decision to sign up as Norland member (left three). He hopes his photo could be displayed on the big LED screen of New York Times square as the same as Dr. Liu Jiaqi.
Due to the heavy traffic jam, the top leaders have arranged the police car and motorbike to assist the team to make the meeting more efficiently in the morning of 15th. The overseas team shows highly respect to Dr. Liu Jiaqi and fellows by arranging top-level reception. Dr. Liu Jiaqi indicated that Norland would increase the investment to develop the global market and especially for the potential market such as Indonesia.
刘家齐博士一行人考察家和联盟运营管理中心,并对两个地点进行评估。随后参观竞争对手k-link和herbal life两家公司。
Dr. Liu Jiaqi surveyed two competitors and evaluated two potential locations to set up the company.

The overseas leaders invited Mr. Liu Jiaqi
for a dinner and make the blue
print for the future in the afternoon of November, 15th

Dr. Liu Jiaqi pointed out that the South East Asia market has been through the rapid development period. Indonesia market is one of the most important markets to explore after the Japan Market due to its huge population. We would develop Indonesia market by providing the solid financial support and education as well as the professional team. We will build a harmonious world by laying out a solid foundation in the domestic and international market.
Layout the world at home and abroad
The Harmony Family union system will set up two platforms to continuously provide the sustainable support to the global market. “Till 2019, we would build 40 Headquarters in the whole world. We will keep on supporting the international market by building up the solid foundation and training the talents with a great culture. We will unite as a team to establish a win-win new platform”.
“Sticking to the strategic plan of the international market, we will make the development in the multiple business cooperation platform so as to contribute on the growth of the Asia Pacific Region market.” Dr. Liu Jiaqi shared during one year Norland Harmony Family union anniversary celebration convention in the middle of 2018. He mentioned that he would accelerate the speed to grow the global market to make the sustainable development. The sales volume of 10billion RMB is the middle-long term strategic target of the support system.
Till this moment, the global platform of the Family Harmony union has become more and more solid. Our network has been expanding to a lot of countries such as Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Japan and etc. The mission of the Harmony Family union is “Establishing the most respectable international commercial system”. We are waving our golden flag and walk the Harmony Family union to the whole world.

Dr. Liu Jiaqi indicated that Harmony Family union system would implement the global action plan by starting up the Indonesia market to enhance the brand value and creative development and internal management regulations. The successful cooperation with the leaders from Indonesia market represents the significant progress in the development of the South East Asia market.
A number of business opportunity seminars were carried out among the different countries such as Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar and etc. We will hold a grand launching event at Singapore with 1000 participants at November 25th. The foundation of the overseas market of Harmony Family union system has been established from the hard effort in the past 10 years. Now it’s the time for us to officially move forward to the international market.
The mission of the Harmony Family union system is to build a Harmony world in every family in each country. Our vision is to become the most respectable international commercial system. We have made a progress every moment step by step. We keep on developing ourselves steadily and our target is to establish the century enterprise. Therefore, the global planning of the Harmony Family union and the Norland are expanding our business into seven continents of the world. Dr. Liu Jiaqi is the man who strains every nerve and devotes himself fighting for his target to make the Harmony Family union system to stand on the top of the world.
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